How about working

You provide the challenge and expertise on your organization or project, I contribute my analytical and creative skills, and together we design and implement our solutions. Sounds good?

Scroll down to see how we can team up and co-create change or reach out directly to discuss potential collaborations. You can also skim through my principles to find out if we make a good team.

Drawing of a figure with a brush as a head standing on an art palette with wings.

Services I contribute

Space icon. Created by Diana from


Approach complex problems systemically and facilitate solutions through a culture of co-creation, psychological safety, and continuous learning. I connect my experiences in running and advising organizations across sectors and industries with my professional training in systemic coaching, organizational leadership, and systems thinking to adopt an integrated people, business, and technology perspective that helps you identify root causes, break down silos, and collaborate across differences.

Computer icon. Created by Diana from

Designing Strategies

Navigate your organization's future in an increasingly complex and interconnected world with people-centered strategies. Equipped with an educational background in strategic management, futures studies, and design thinking, I help you identify opportunities for innovation, set strategic goals, and create actionable roadmaps to achieve your specific objectives. While I focus on transformation strategies, I've designed a variety of strategies, ranging from communications to strategic positioning.

Planet icon. Created by Diana from


Co-create a shared vision, define strengths-based roles and responsibilities, prioritize value-creating activities, and learn from experience in your projects. As a trained mediator and certified project manager (Scrum, PRINCE2®) who has led projects and facilitated multi-stakeholder collaborations across sectors and cultures, I seek to align people's needs with your project goals to build a collaborative environment and create value for all stakeholders.

Card icon. Created by Diana from

Facilitating workshops

Build valuable skills and engage in lifelong learning to actively create your future in today's fast-changing environments. I've facilitated workshops and seminars for social impact organizations, businesses, government bodies, and research institutions to co-create strategies, foster collaboration and team building, and educate people on future skills such as design thinking and innovation, agile ways of working, or data and programming literacy.

Analytics icon. Created by Diana from

Analyzing & Visualizing Data

Ask the right questions to leverage insights from your data and increase your organization's or project's impact. With an academic background in quantitative and computational methods plus hands-on experience as a researcher and data scientist, I mainly use the programming language R to help you collect, analyze, and visualize data to track your key performance indicators, make informed decisions, communicate results, and tell meaningful stories.

Empowering people
for good

Sharing knowledge in workshops, seminars, and talks holds a special place in my heart. Over the years I've facilitated sessions for and with a wide diversity of people, including professionals, public stakeholders, students, and volunteers―and learned a lot from each audience.

While I'm not able to share all materials with you, here are the slides for some of my pro bono talks and workshops:

And to put the spotlight where it belongs, please meet some of the smart and engaged participants who co-facilitated the sessions with me.

© 2024 Lisa Hehnke | CC BY-SA 4.0